πŸ‘† Button

Try it

We created inputs with createInput() and sliders with createSlider().

How do you think we can create a button?


var button;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 300);
  button = createButton("Hello");
function draw() {

Ok that was easy. But a button is different than a slider or an input box. You don’t get a value (string or integer). What do you get?

A click, or not a click. In terms of JavaScript, we call that an event.

πŸ—“ Events

Whoa! We made a button. But clicking the button doesn’t do anything. To connect clicking a button to doing something, we need to define a function that contains the code that we want to run when the user clicks the button, and then attach an β€œevent listener” to the object, to tell p5.js to call that particular function when the user takes a particular action. Luckily, half that work is done for us:

var button;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 300);
  button = createButton("Click me!");

This code uses the .mousePressed() event of the button object to call the function randomRectangle() when the user clicks a button.

Have you ever heard of the randomRectangle() function?


You haven’t heard of it, because it’s never existed before!

In p5, we have two built-in functions: setup() and draw(). So far, that’s been enough. Not anymore!

function randomRectangle() {
    rect(random()*width, random()*height,
      random(400), random(400));

What’s the name of this function? What does it do? When is it called?

Clicker Game

You’re going to make a terrible game, where every time the user click on a button, the button moves.

Create a canvas with a button located somewhere to start. Then, define a function called randomLocation() that will move the button around the screen when clicked.

Pseudocode Checklist

βœ… How many variables do we need?

βœ… Create a button

βœ… Add an event to the button

βœ… Create the randomLocation() function