🖼 Encoding Images

Learning Targets

AP I can apply a creative development process when creating computational artifacts.

AP I can describe the variety of abstractions used to represent data.

AP I can explain how binary sequences are used to represent digital data.


Last week, we saw how a binary sequence could be used to encode a black and white image. In order to decode that message, we saw that we needed metadata. Why?

metadata - data about other data. In a digital image file, metadata describes the size of the image, number of colors, or resolution.

Depending on your encoding scheme, you used a certain number of bits to encode the height and width of your canvas, and then more bits to actually draw the image.

How could we go about drawing colorful picture?

🖼 Colorful Images

We saw last week that digital images are BIG files. Why? Well, we know we need pixels to display images, but how do pixels work?

  • RBG goes from 0-255, for a total of 256 values of intensity.
  • Like monochromatic pictures, we need to decide how many bits-per-pixel in order to decode images.

So, pixels are an abstraction of RGB, which is itself an abstraction of binary.


Let’s look at all the possible 3-bit colors:

This code:

0000 0100
0000 0010
0000 0011
000 111 100 010
001 110

Produces this picture:

The first two liens are metadata saying the picture is 4 pixels by 2 pixels. Then, six of the pixels are turned on. There are two more possible colors. What are they?

What happens if we shift to 4-bit colors, or 5-bit colors? Why?

Now, try 6-bit colors. How many different colors can you make?

How could we write these colors with a shorter amount of bits?


👤 Icon

You are going to design your own icon using either 16x16 or 32x32 pixels. You should use at least 12 bits per pixel.

Like this:

Is converting from binary (base 2) to hexadecimal (base 16) a form of data compression? Why or why not?