👆 Button

Try it

We created inputs with createInput() and sliders with createSlider().

How do you think we can create a button?


var button;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 300);
  button = createButton("Hello");
function draw() {

Ok that was easy. But a button is different than a slider or an input box. You don’t get a value (string or integer). What do you get?

A click, or not a click. In terms of JavaScript, we call that an event.

🗓 Events

Whoa! We made a button. But clicking the button doesn’t do anything. To connect clicking a button to doing something, we need to define a function that contains the code that we want to run when the user clicks the button, and then attach an “event listener” to the object, to tell p5.js to call that particular function when the user takes a particular action. Luckily, half that work is done for us:

var button;
function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 300);
  button = createButton("Click me!");

This code uses the .mousePressed() event of the button object to call the function randomRectangle() when the user clicks a button.

Have you ever heard of the randomRectangle() function?


You haven’t heard of it, because it’s never existed before!

In p5, we have two built-in functions: setup() and draw(). So far, that’s been enough. Not anymore!

function randomRectangle() {
    rect(random()*width, random()*height,
      random(400), random(400));

What’s the name of this function? What does it do? When is it called?

Clicker Game

You’re going to make a terrible game, where every time the user click on a button, the button moves.

Create a canvas with a button located somewhere to start. Then, define a function called randomLocation() that will move the button around the screen when clicked.

Pseudocode Checklist

How many variables do we need?

  • What’s changing? Declare each of those at the top of your code.

Create a button

  • button= createButton("Click or something...")

Add an event to the button

  • button.mousePressed(randomLocation)

Create the randomLocation() function

  • Which of your variables should change to give a random location.