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<li>"Anywhere there is scarcity and hype, there is a __________."</li>
<li>How does Nike make it easy for shoe scalpers?</li>
<li>What do you hear "over and over again in line," waiting for the release?</li>
<li>How much is a size 11 <sup>1</sup>/<sub>2</sub> going for?</li>
<li>Ebay is a "secondary market." What do you think that means?</li>
<li>When does project resale price peak <em>(get to its highest price)</em>?</li>
<li>What shape does the graph of sneaker price look like?</li>
<li>Nike is selling the Air Yeezus for "a 10th of what it's worth." What determines how much its worth?</li>
<li>Why would Nike <em>intentionally</em> create the secondary market leaving ~9% of its earnings "on the table"?</li>
<li>Why doesn't Nike sell shoes for what they go for on Ebay?</li>
<li>Nike <mark>increased</mark> the supply on release day. Why did the price go <mark>down</mark>?</li>
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<h3>Supply and Demand<br><small>...and Sneakers</small></h3>
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<h1>Aim: How do supply & demand function to set prices?</h1>
<h3>Do Now: List the four factors of production and give an example of each.</h3>
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<img src="/images/Supply%26Demand.png">
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<h3>How do we label the x & y axes?</h3>
<k>How do we determine what goes on the x and y axis (think back to MATH)</kbd>
<li>x: quantity (<code>independent variable</code>)</li>
<li>y: price (<code>dependent variable</code>)</li>
<h3>What is <mark>price sensitivity</mark>?</h3>
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<p>An <b>$80</b> pair of sneakers has about <b>$11</b> worth of materials in it.<br><br>...So why does it cost nearly <b>eight times</b> more?
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<h3>How much do new "What the LeBron" cost? Why?</h3>
<!-- What sneakerheads pay -->
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<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-glyphicon glyphicon-headphones"></span> Headphone use approved below this point!<br><small>While you're listening, be sure to answer the comprehension questions</small></div>
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<h4 class="media-heading">Planet Money Episode 584:
What The LeBron?</h4>
<blockquote>Nike is a smart multi-billion dollar company, but some sneaker fans have figured out how they can get a better price for Nike sneakers than Nike can. Some pairs trade like stocks — selling
for double, quadruple, 12 times their retail price after they leave the store. Even used sneakers.</p>
<p>Today on the show, why would a multi-billion dollar company give up its profits to some scrappy guys on the street?</p></blockquote>
<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-glyphicon glyphicon-headphones"></span> Comprehension questions!<small> Answer these as you listen.</small></div>
<li>"Anywhere there is scarcity and hype, there is a __________."</li>
<li>How does Nike make it easy for shoe scalpers?</li>
<li>What do you hear "over and over again in line," waiting for the release?</li>
<li>How much is a size 11 <sup>1</sup>/<sub>2</sub> going for?</li>
<li>Ebay is a "secondary market." What do you think that means?</li>
<li>When does project resale price peak <em>(get to its highest price)</em>?</li>
<li>What shape does the graph of sneaker price look like?</li>
<li>Nike is selling the Air Yeezus for "a 10th of what it's worth." What determines how much its worth?</li>
<li>Why would Nike <em>intentionally</em> create the secondary market leaving ~9% of its earnings "on the table"?</li>
<li>Why doesn't Nike sell shoes for what they go for on Ebay?</li>
<li>Nike <mark>increased</mark> the supply on release day. Why did the price go <mark>down</mark>?</li>
<div id="economist">
<h1>The Economist</h1>
<li>Pick a product that you use everyday (sneakers, iPhones, a pencil)</li>
<li>Identify the resources (land, labor, capital) involved in production.</li>
<li>Estimate the cost of production and compare it to the price.
<li>How would you describe the relationship between supply and demand?</li>