Aim: How can we develop questions for conversation?

Do Now: In Google Classroom

You purchase 723 shares of Nike at $47.75 per share and one year later you are ready to sell your 723 shares for the current market price of $62.25.

  1. Did you earn a profit or lose money from this stock sale?
  2. How much money did you make or lose? Explain how you calculated your answer.

It’s time to begin preparing for our Seminar.

"Buying", "selling", "shorting"- we've learned a lot this week.
What questions to you have about investing and the stock market?

✍ Question Formulation

  1. Ask as many questions as you can.
  2. Do not stop to discuss, judge, or answer any of the questions.
  3. Write down every question exactly as it was stated.
  4. Change any statements into questions.

After you have finished listing all of your groups questions, go through and rewrite any closed questions as open questions.

  1. Closed-ended questions results in a yes or no answer. Open-ended questions allows for discussion.


Question Focus: