🤖 Motion

Do Now

Create a sketch with an emoji that bounces off the edges of the screen.

Hint: How do we make text in p5? How did you make a shape “bounce” off the edge of the screen?

Path around the edge

Very soon, we’re going to build an interactive game in p5, which will require us to be very good at using conditionals.

Now, instead of reversing direction when something hits the edge, we’re going to make something follow a path around the edges of the screen.

Pseudocode Practice Make Pseudoperfect

Pseudocode will go in our // comments and are helpful for reminders from our past self to our future self.

Let’s write out pseudocode for the four conditionals needed to make a path around the screen.

Pretend you’re talking to the emoji:

“Go to the right until you hit the edge of the screen”


Now, we’re going to see if we can be more specific in our pseudocode, by starting to add variables.

In your code, you will have some variables for the x and y position of the emoji. You also have the built-in variables of windowWidth and windowHeight to know where the edges of the screen are.

Underneath you pseudocode, write comments for how to go from pseudocode to p5 code.

“Go to the right until you hit the edge of the screen”
// y stays close to top ( something like y<=25), x should move to the right (x = x + 1)


We can use p5 to add familiar HTML elements to our sketches.

Try this out:

var x
var y
var speed
var slider;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight)
  x = windowWidth/2
  y = 30
  speed = 3
    // create a slider we can drag, from -30 to 30 and starting at 0
  slider = createSlider(-30, 30, 0);
  // set the position of the slider on the screen
  slider.position(windowWidth / 2-90, 90);
  // set the size of the slider
  slider.style('width', '180px');

function draw() {
  // We need to make a variable for the slider's value...
  var speed = slider.value();
  text("🤖", x, y)
  // ... so that we can move the robot
  x = x + speed

Now, add conditionals so that the robot (or emoji of your choice) follows a path around the screen.


Specification Points
An emoji, with a textSize of at least 24px 1
At least 4 conditionals 1
Emoji follows path around screen 1
Code functions correctly if window size changes 1
Total __/4
Extensions Points
Speed is adjustable 1
Use slider to adjust speed 1