Lesson 5.1 πŸ‘‰ Functions Practice

Maximum Value

Write a function, max_value, that takes in an integer and prints the numbers from 1 to that number inclusively.

Beyond Compare

Write a function, compare_lists, that given two lists of numbers the same length, compares each element of the lists, and print out the higher value at each index.

list1 = [4,5,15,11,23,42]
list2 = [1,8,7,16,7,35]

compare_lists(list1, list2)
# 4 8 15 16 23 42 should print out


Write a function, swapping_stars, that will print out the following:

* - * - * -
- * - * - *
* - * - * -
- * - * - *
* - * - * -
- * - * - *


  1. Define a function is_even that will take a number x as input.
  2. If x is even, then return True.
  3. Otherwise, return False.


  1. Define a function is_int that takes a number x as an input.
  2. Have it return True if the number is an integer (as defined above) and False otherwise.
# For example

is_int(7.0)   # True
is_int(7.5)   # False
is_int(-1)    # True


Write a function called digit_sum that takes a positive integer n as input and returns the sum of all that number’s digits.

For example: digit_sum(1234) should return 10 which is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4.

(Assume that the number you are given will always be positive.)


Write a function called rectangle. It takes two numbers as user input, and prints a rectangle.

It should look like this:

Enter width: 5
Enter height: 10