πŸŽ‰ Hello again, World!

🎯 Learning Target

I can create variables in Python.

πŸ‘‰ Do Now

Fill in as much of this Venn Diagram as you can:

return to Python

Remember this?

Why does it say Let's review Python?

Last year, we used Python 2. This year, we will be using Python 3. There are a few important differences, but for today, the most important is this:

# in PYthon 3, print is a FUNCTION:
print("hello there")
#   ^ parentheses ^


Store a variable under a name.

Name ONE Equal sign Value
name = SK
grade = 9

Rules for Variable Name

  • Contains letters, numbers, and underscores ( _ )
  • Cannot start with number
  • Cannot contain spaces (you can use underscores used to separate words)
  • Cannot use keywords


Each programming language has a set of words that are reserved by the language for programmatic purposes.

Some Keywords in Python are : print, False, True, else, if

Rules of πŸ‘ for Variable Names

  • Pick names that make sense. Someone besides you should be able to figure out what your variables mean.
  • Use underscores to separate words
  • Python is CASE SENSITIVE which means Num_marbles = 10 and num_marbles = 10 are different.


Type Description Example
String Any characters inside "" This is a string.
Integer Whole numbers 3,42,-1002
Float Numbers with decimals. 3.42, -10.02
Boolean Only two values True, False, 3>42, 3.42>-10.02

βͺ Python Review

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  • Create a variable called my_name and store your name in it. Then print the variable.
  • Create a variable called multiply that is the product of a negative number and a positive number with a decimal (not a whole number). Print the variable.
  • Store a message in a variable. Then print the message.
  • Create a variable that stores a Boolean value. Print the variable.
  • Create a variable that stores a message. Then store another message in the same variable. Print the message.


Create a variable that is the quotient of two other variables (hint: you will need to store values in that variable first).


The operations between boolean values are AND and OR. Create a variable that store the value of True or False and then prints it. Create another value that stores the value of True and False. Print the variable.